Saturday, December 31, 2011


Vidalia is a cross-platform graphical controller for the Tor software, built using the Qt framework. Vidalia runs on most platforms supported by Qt 4.3 or later, including Microsoft Windows, Apple OS X, and Linux or other Unix variants using the X11 window system.
Vidalia lets you start and stop Tor, see how much bandwidth you are consuming, see how many circuits you currently have active, see where these circuits are connected on a global map, view messages from Tor about its progress and current state, and let you configure your Tor client, bridge, or relay with a simple interface. Included in Vidalia is an extensive help system which helps you understand all of the options available to you. All of these features are translated into a large number of languages. Vidalia does not work alone, it requires Tor to be useful. (Tor is not included in the downloads on this page.)


Most Windows and Mac OS X users should simply download Vidalia as part of a Tor software bundle. If you want to upgrade the Vidalia software included in a Tor bundle you currently have installed, you can use one of the installer packages below.

Stable Releases

The most recent stable release is: 0.2.15

Alpha Releases

The most recent alpha release is: 0.3.0
WARNING these are very alpha bundles.

Now this is Vidaliya Screen.

These settings is previously defined no need to change it.

Network Default Setting. 

 Change the Network Setting if your site is block from proxy fill that proxy and port address like this.

 These settings is previously defined no need to change it.

Fill that setting on your advance Tab : address and port number.

Now Click on Start Tor  .

Starting the Tor Software.

Authenticate and Connecting to the Tor Network.

Now You Have to Setting In your Browser that u want to use.

 Go to Advance Tab > Network > Setting.

Fill the http proxy: and port no : 8118.

Your Tor Network get Connected.

Now Browse or Surf blocked Website.

Enjoy This Tricks.

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Wish a Very Happy New Year to You & Your Family.

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