Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hello Friends!
I hope you will enjoy my previous post and now I am sharing with you "How to hack computer in LAN".
Tools Required:

2) NetBios Auditing Tool

Download NetBios Auditing Tool

After Download then extract both  in C:\ drive
Note: Rename "NetBios Auditing Tool" to "nat"

You now need to create a null session to the target computer
Code: write in CMD(command prompt)  
net use \\\ipc$ "" /u:""
Note:Replace with your victim Computer IP address. 

Now open USER2SID & SID2USER folder in cmd
First we open USER2SID tools in CMD
Code: user2sid \\ guest
Note : Replace IP address with your address.  

We will test against the Guest account because Guest account is a built in account.

After we get the ID,we need to do some modification on the ID.

We take the ID we get from the guest account and modified it become 
"5 21 861567501 1383384898 839522115 500".

Please leave out the S-1-,leave out all the - too.
Code: sid2user \\  5 21 861567501 1383384898 839522115 500


Now you will see that you get the username of the Administrator account.

In this case,the Administrator account is Administrator.

Create a text file called user.txt and the content will be the username of the Admin account.(If it is already create on tool then do not create it)

Prepare yourself a good wordlist for Passwords

Now we are going to crack the Admin account for the password in order to access to the target computer.

Browse to the NetBios Auditing Tool directory.
 In this case,I have get the password.

Note: Most of User have administrator password empty mean there is no password for administrator so leave above if administrator password is blank.

In order to proof that I can get access to the target computer using this password.

After you press enter,it will prompt you for the username and password.
 Therefore,just input them inside the prompt and continue. 

Target C drive will be on your screen.

Thanks for Reading this article if you have any problem then  post it in comment box

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