Saturday, June 11, 2011

This trick works on Dial-up's, Dsl, Broadband and wireless modems as well as
Click on start button
then select Run which opens run dialog box...(in windows 7 press windows key+R)
*write "Cmd" and press enter

it will opens command prompt (A Black Screen)

[If you are using windows7 don't use windows powershell]

*In that Cmd Prompt (Black Screen) write "ipconfig/all"

Scroll up and inside the PPP adapter
find the IP address of DNS Servers (first one if there exist more then one e.g.

then click on start button and select run (in windows 7 press windows key+R)
*then write the following command in it
"ping < "DNS SERVER IP" > -t"

e.g. ping -t

This command opens command prompt which is pinging your server minimize and don't close it...
you can close the previous command prompt in which you find out your DNS Server IP
This command forces your server to stay connected with you....

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Thanks for the sharing about ,how to increase the internet speed....I used the Tips to increase the speed of the Internet ...I checked the speed at here it shows Good speed...My uploading speed is 231Kbps and Downloading speed is 1235Kbps...So this is Useful to increase the Internet speed..



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