Friday, June 4, 2010

rsCracker 3 New Rapidshare Cracker 2010

Change log for 3.0.3:

Added Auto-save Valid Users (Optional)
Added a proxy field to cracked account list for BoNeS to help with the login security RS now has.
Removed "Send to" confirmation messages.
Improved return handling.
Added account on the fly checking. (Thanks to Doc for leading me to this discovery.)
Added before & after options for users.
Added first _ and last _ characters of password option.
Added Password Extensions feature (see explanation below)
Removed the Winsock.ocx to try out a third party alternative control with better/customizable error handling.
Fixed a few control bugs.
Switched from my listbox to the much faster and much less resource intensive listbox of butch's.
Made cracking even quicker.

Password Extensions
--- What are password extensions?

I created a method to make cracking easier. When you want to run passwords lowercase, then uppercase, you either need to load to lists, or sit and wait til it finishes the first list, and then tick the UPPERCASE option. Password Extensions end this problem.

Password extensions are bits of text that tell what the cracker to do to the current password. This makes it VERY powerful and you don't have to babysit the cracker so you can try a new password method.

--- How it works.

The cracker has to have passwords loaded, or a name as password option selected. With Password Extensions, this is no different.

If the name as password(NAP) option is selected, then the cracker goes through all users, using the name as the password, applying the current Password Extension. Once both the Password Extensions and user list are at their ends, the cracker stops.

When using passwords, the cracker runs through the use list. Once it's at the end of the user list, it moves to the next password and starts over on the user list. At the end of the password list, it moves to the next extension and starts over on both the user and password list.

--- Basic Extensions

lcase - make the password lowercase
ucase - make the password uppercase
proper - make the password propercase (Password)
nap - use name as password option
backwards - make the password backwards

--- Usage

Add any Extension to the Password Extensions, and enable the option. The cracker should pick up on it immediately, assuming it's a valid Extension.

--- Multiple Extension Usage

nap|ucase - Use name as password, but ucase it.
nap|backwards - Name as pass, but backwards.
backwards|ucase - Turn the password backwards, then ucase it.

* The extensions are applied in the EXACT order entered in the extension string.

--- Advanced Extensions:
first:5 - Use first five characters of password.
last:5 - Use last fiive characters of password.
pbefore:___ - Put ___ before the password.
pafter:___ - Put ___ after the password.
ubefore:___ - Put ___ before the username.
uafter:___ - Put ___ after the username.
remlet - Remove letters.
remsym - Remove symbols.
remnum - Remove numbers.

More Examples:

* Assume the user is "bobby", and password is "pass123".

extension string :: result

backwards :: 321ssap
ubefore:hi :: hibobby - pass123
ubefore:hi|remnum :: hibobby - pass
ubefore:hi|remlet :: hibobby - 123
pafter:123|uafter:86 :: bobby86 - pass123123
first:5 :: bobby - pass1
last:5 :: ss123
pbefore:123 :: 123pass123
pbefore:123|remlet :: 123123

NAP Examples:

nap|ucase :: bobby - BOBBY
ucase|nap :: bobby - bobby
nap|backwards|proper :: bobby - Ybbob
nap|proper|backwards :: bobby - ybboB


Crdt:-Mr Buddah

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