Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To Get Free Porn Passwords

.download mIRC.

2.Open It
3.When you open it,the mIRC Options tab will appear,in it type any name,any email,any nickname and any Alternative name.Then click OK.
4.When the white window respond,in textbar type this:
and press ENTER.
5.When it connects,the other one window will appears,it will say:"Enter a channel name and click join",in the textbar type #Jess0 and click JOIN.
6.When you click it,you are connected to a #Jess0,now in the textbar type:
/msg S-001 !search
Example: /msg S-001 !search
7.When you type it,a message from a bot will be sent.On the left side of window you'll see it.When you click it,the bot will say you a Login and Password.

still i cant try it

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