Hello guys Here is a tut/Guide on How to Set Up xr 2.1
I take all credits all my work.
Please enjoy
no flame
go to www.no-ip.com
And register there you must Put a valid email so you can confirm it.
I would put a good password and write down your security questions
But this redirects your bots to the right ip address and its very important.
After doing that Click add host and make a 3 digit dns doesnt matter what just 3 digits.
Make it look like this
where the dns is put ur 3 digit no-ip and the on the side click no-ip.info
after that click creat host.
Step 3: Download Client on the left hand side.
if you have troubles.
here is the link for it
Step 4:
Run through the install and then extract it where you want it to be located
make sure it is always up when wanting to run xr 2.1 and see your bots.
In case your ip address changes.
Enter your info and click ur dns
Step 5:
Forwarding Your Ports.
First you are going to open up or command prompt
If you Dont know where that is
Click run
cmd and enter
after that you will type ipconfig looks like this
Now minimize that and open Up your internet browser
Clear the url bar.
open your cmd
and where you see Default Gateway should have like some numbers
mine was so i would enter that
but in this case you would enter yours so whatever yours is
enter that.
Your router
Should pop up with A username and password
Most of them are
username: admin
password: password
Username: admin
password: admin
Here are more routers.
Then after you have logged in.
On some routers you will see either Port forwarding,
Advanced click one of them if you see it now
You should see Starting Port
and ending Port
Put 3070 as Starting
and 3070 as ending.
then should ask you for a priv ipaddress
now in step 5 You did ipconfig mine was
whatever is in ipvaddress put that.
and click enable or apply.
now go to
After that enter 3070 and If it says open YOU have successfully Opend them
if it says no make sure you enabled it and enter the right ipv4 address.
Step 6:
After that you will
Click run next install and Finish
here is a serial:0749100408-037553-1EB4
to active it click
help on top
and about and
enter the key.
now Right click ur bot
and Click Hex edit with v5
now after it comes up
ctrl f
search for no-ip
and put a little click at either around so it should look like this
after it match's up with that click search
after that it should look like this
no replace dn5.no-ip.info
to your no-ip so if your no-ip was k15.no-ip.info
it whould be k15.no-ip.info
so it should look like this
after your done
click save and no backup.
Now Your done!
This only infects windows xp
Link For Xr 2.1 booter and bot:
another link
And some people have have erros opening it so
to open it
open computer windows system32 drop it over in it.
run cmd as admin say
and enter and it should work
here is the file
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